Sunday, July 31, 2005

Tha's What You Get

LiSa'S sPaCe: back from california!!: "we went whale was ok first the first 2 hours but after that it got boring.....we were on the boat for 5 hours!!"

That's what you get for not preparing yourself or being aware of it. You gotta be prepared. Know what you are going to get out of it... it particularly is good to know how long before you go.

Also, by bringing something to do perhaps you wouldn't be so bored!

Learn from others,


No Time Left For Right Whales!

RedNova News - Science - Scientist Warns North Atlantic Right Whale Facing Extinction: "The North Atlantic right whale's future looks grim if the current mortality rates continue, according to Florida State University assistant professor of oceanography Douglas Nowacek and a group of fellow scientists from across the nation."

Apparently the North Atlantic Right Whales are the most endangered whales. Even though there are births at an average rate of 23, this is estimated to be inadequate to overcome the levels of mortality they have seen.

They are estimating that the right whales face extinction within the next 100 years, if there aren't any changes in the management of shipping and fisheries!

Such gloomy news...
