Thursday, August 3, 2006

Japan Replies

Minke Whales Safe, Japan Replies:

"In reply to criticism that its slaughter of pregnant minke whales in the Southern Ocean is endangering the species, Japan says the high pregnancy rates show the species is safe."

Did this discovery have to require the killing of the Minke Whales in the first place?

Whatever happened to good old-fashioned observation and simply counting the whales?

This is good news.... but the ends don't justify the means!

- Gary

Forget Ear Wax, Whale Dandruff's The Answer

Forget ear wax, whale dandruff's the answer

Apparently Australian scientists have found a reason for Japan's "scientific whaling" program to cease.

The main purpose that Japan's so-called "scientists" are killing the whales is to determine the age of the whales, which was done by counting the layers of the whale's ear wax... and to do so the whale must be dead.

Now Australian scientists found a way to determine the age of whales by analyzing little bits of skin the whales shed.

I doubt, however, that this will really keep the Japanese "scientists" from killing whales....

... Because as we all know Japan has a large market for whale meat - though the profitability of said market is debatable.

- Gary Schmidt