Sunday, September 11, 2005

A Slow Death For Right Whale No. 2425

Injured Right Whale dying off Cape Cod :: Cape Cod Today :: Cape Cod News and Information:

"A tuna spotter sighted a 'tired and battered' right whale off the northern tip of Cape Cod late last week. The whale was emaciated and lethargic, with skin that looked gray, rather than a healthy black, and a chunk was missing from its left tail fluke.

Researchers identified it as Right Whale No. 2425, the 11-year-old female that was struck by the propeller of a 43-foot yacht near Cumberland Island Georgia on March 10."

This poor whale, one of the most endangered species in the world, has been under a lot of pain and difficulty over the last week after being hit by a yacht.

It's just disheartening to hear news like this.

Did the yachters even see the whale, and were they going against the marine mammmal conservation guidelines, by not keeping their distance like they should have? I beet that most people are ignorant of the rergulations, and they should know them... not just the commercial whale watching companies!


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